Our Team




Hi! My name is Kim. I'm so blessed to be married to Bethany and have my three sons, Micah, our deep thinker and planner, Luca, always full of energy and passion, and our sweet little go-getter, Nicolai. I am most passionate about people being all God has intended them to be and being impacted by the gospel. I am so blessed to do life with what we now call the Life&Legacy Family.  We are on an exciting journey!  

I was brought up in a Christian family. My father's an ACC pastor. I was born in India but came here when I was six so have grown up in southeast Queensland. I love this place! Church has played a vital part in my life. I have been involved in most aspects of church ministry (from being music director to being the Chairman - setting up chairs) and as is God’s way, it's now time to step up to serve His church as pastor.  I have a background as a Mechanical engineer and am bi-vocational. 

I really think we ought to enjoy life more. After all, good things are given to us by our Father to enjoy! I love Friday nights with my family, I love good food and a great movie (at the same time), I love the people God has placed around me to plant this church, but most of all, I love the work God has done in my life.


If I had one word to sum up my life I would say family. I grew up in a lovely Christian family of ten children. We spent the bulk of our years at Gateway Baptist Church where I served in a wide range of ministries. In time I met Kim and we created a family of our own with our three boys.  

My journey with church and ministry has taught me it’s not about what you do, how much you do, how public it is, or how many for, it’s about creating a family by journeying together, supporting one another, and doing your bit where you best fit.

I am passionate about building, training, managing, and creating spaces for people to flourish as they find their place. I love managing the systems, operations, scheduling and administration of the church as I’m passionate about establishing a smooth environment for people to connect, serve, grow, and honour God. Ultimately, our heart is that people find family at L&L and are transformed by a genuine faith in God.

As Kim said, the good things in life are to be enjoyed … I love Spanish hot chocolates from San Churro, pretty lights, and adventures with my family of boys.

If you’re looking for family, join us! Church will always be your ultimate family! 


Gary and Marisa just love life and people! Marisa heads up our cafe team, helping people relax, connect, and stay a little longer on a Sunday. Gary is one of the first faces you’ll see on a Sunday as part of our host and connections team. He is everyone’s friend from the newest babies to our most senior families. They both have a massive heart for people and together invest in every age of our church - kids, youth, women’s, men’s, families, and seniors.



Ps Melvin and Jackie are passionate about creating community, prayer, and teaching the bible. Between them they have decades of experience in pastoral ministry and counselling having been pastors for 30 years.  They enjoy travelling, time with family, and their grandchildren.  


Katie heads up our kids’ ministry, pouring her passion, wisdom, and skill into our littlies from the babies right through to Grade 6. She is passionate about creating fun and vibrant experiences the kids can’t wait to get to each week. Al and Katie both coordinate our online presence and play an integral role in our connections for young people, young families, and men’s. They have two sweet daughters and love camping, travelling, and their dog Bailey.


Nathan & Ruby head up our youth team. They have big hearts, big vision, and the skills to match! They love creating spaces for the youth to connect, have some fun, engage with the Word, and think as big as them and further. They are parents to their sweet daughter and love coffee, music, and road trips.


Anna heads up our Community Engagement arm. Along with working in the industry, she just has a real heart for reaching beyond the walls and creating opportunities for people of all walks and stages of life to come together and be empowered. Through a variety of different avenues, she and her team are growing this ministry.